Why the attraction of women to lingerie? It is very simple. Lingerie makes you feel good and look good.
Lingerie is and always has been about one thing and one thing only. To make the woman's body look enticing. This is for the express purpose of stimulating men. In the days of old, lingerie did just that. By accentuating the areas that the visually oriented men were attracted to. These areas being a woman's breasts and of course her bottom.
The lingerie of old days was quite uncomfortable and in fact was sometimes downright painful to wear. But things have changed and today, it is both comfortable and sexy.
Lingerie is good for the woman in other ways than just stimulating men. Wearing it gives a woman a sense of her own sexuality and makes her feel sensual and desirable.
How do we know that lingerie is a woman's best friend? Maybe we can ascertain this by the amount of money she spends on it. For example, according to a 2006 report by the French Fashion Institute, French women spend nearly 20 percent of their annual clothing budget on lingerie. This 20 percent of clothing purchases being devoted to "lingerie" shows that women are voting their love with their wallets. A similar study showed that British women spent an even higher percentage of their clothing budget on lingerie.
Lingerie is supposed to highlight a woman's best features while downplaying her less desirable features. This is accomplished by choosing lingerie in different styles and shapes. Lingerie should be comfortable to wear as well. There are many fabrics to choose from so be sure to choose the fabrics that will be comfortable to your skin.
Don't choose a fabric that you will have to be too careful with either. Nylon is very versatile and easy to care for. Silk is comfortable but may present more challenges to keep it looking nice.
When it comes to a woman's best friend, it may be a diamond or it may be something else, but sexy lingerie will always be near the top of the list.
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